Creating with Calvert


There’s more to Calvert than meets the eye; more than your average space division system, more than just a seating booth, more than simply storage. Calvert is an all-encompassing furniture system capable of creating vast multi-functional landscapes and adaptable workspaces. Once you understand the basic principles, you unlock the potential to build sustainable, well-being-focused, inclusive working environments that adapt over time with the ever-changing ebb and flow of the modern workplace.

The Basics

The bones of this modular range are the simple connecting wall components. Combine wall sections to the desired size, cap the ends with end frames, and then accessorize to adapt to various functions. Create standalone office essentials like small storage units, wall shelving, and mobile whiteboards.

Level up your Calvert designs by incorporating different height walls, adding corner elements to change direction, or roof components for more enclosed spaces. Build expansive space division layouts, desking areas, and meeting spaces with connectivity. Understand these basics, and the only limit is your imagination.

Designed for Sustainability

In today’s world, sustainable design is more vital than ever. As both designers and consumers, we have a responsibility to consider the impacts of our actions on the environment. That’s why we’re proud to promote Calvert as an innovative and eco-friendly workspace solution.

At the heart of Calvert’s sustainability story is a commitment to longevity. The modular system is primarily constructed from durable British steel, reducing the need for frequent replacements and minimizing waste. Components and accessories can be quickly hooked on and off the walls for easy customization, while the powder-coated finish and adaptable wall layouts allow for future updates and repurposing.

Calvert’s innovative approach to sustainability not only benefits the environment but also enhances the functionality and flexibility of the workspace. 

Perfect for Neurodiversity

When it comes to designing modern workspaces, it’s essential to keep in mind how to effectively accommodate different types of people. Did you know that about 1 in 7 people are neurodiverse? These individuals possess unique strengths and abilities that neurotypical individuals may not have, such as creativity, exceptional memory, or problem-solving skills. However, they can struggle to function effectively in traditional office environments. This is where designing for neurodiversity comes into play, allowing businesses to unlock their workforce’s full potential and create an inclusive, productive, and supportive environment.

This is where Calvert’s day-to-day flexibility and adaptability comes into its own. Sensory stimuli can have a significant impact on neurodivergent individuals, including factors such as textures, sounds, and visuals that can either over or under-stimulate, hindering their focus. Calvert’s hook system empowers each individual to modify their environment by moving upholstered panels to enclose the space from light and sounds, or opening up the space and bringing whiteboards in to enhance creative thinking.

Calvert can also provide a variety of functional spaces to accommodate neurodivergent thinkers who benefit from switching environments for different tasks. From enclosed, private spaces for focused work to open, collaborative areas for creative brainstorming, Calvert offers a range of workspace solutions that cater to different tasks and personal preferences while maintaining a continuous design language throughout an interior.

Online Configurator

Discovering the full potential of Calvert is easy with our online configurator. With just a few clicks, you can create and customize layouts on our website, allowing you to explore all the possibilities. Our user-friendly tools include size measurement, image exporting, pricing and 3D model downloads, making it simple to show your clients exactly what their space will look like. With Calvert, designing a workspace has never been easier or more accessible. Try it for yourself here!

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